Sunday, November 18, 2012

EuroMillions Lottery Syndicate: Increase Chances of Winning & Pay Less

Over the years LottoByText has made hundreds of thousands of people lottery winners. We've established ourselves as the UK's most popular mobile lottery syndicate operator - enabling millions of people across the country the opportunity to play as part of a wider syndicate of lottery players. 

To summarise the advantages of playing the National Lottery in a syndicate we've released an interesting list of facts. 

Importantly, the list points out that a quarter of all jackpots are won by syndicates. Therefore joining a syndicate does increase your chances of winning more so than playing on your own. 

LottoByText have also found the top winning syndicates in the Lotto & EuroMillions and the jackpots range from £20 million to over £40 million. The most recent 'big win' for a lottery syndicate is the group of bus drivers from Corby. They managed to scoop of £38 EuroMillions windfall. 

The info-graphic below breaks down the lottery syndicate facts into something more colourful and entertaining. Check it out.

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If you fancy 5 free national lottery lines with LottoByText or would like more information on playing in a syndicate, please see our lottery syndicate page