Friday, November 23, 2012

Pick Up Your LottoByText Winnings with PayPoint

Did you know you can pick up your LottoByText Lotto/EuroMillions winnings from any Post Office in the UK?

Our long lasting partnership with the Post Office has helped millions of lucky LottoByText customers collect their winnings quickly, easily and conveniently.

However, as the UK’s best mobile lottery syndicate operator, we have gone one step further. In the coming weeks LottoByText will be rolling out a new way of collecting your winnings. Even more easy, even more quickly and even more conveniently.

While the exact day is yet to be confirmed, I can assure you that very soon you will be able to collect any LottoByText winnings from the National Lottery and EuroMillions at any PayPoint terminal around the country.

If you haven’t heard of PayPoint then here is a brief description.

PayPoint terminals are located in 24,000 convenience stores across the UK. Just look for the sign below.

Recognize it?

For LottoByText customer’s this means that wherever in the UK you live you will be able to pick up your winnings super easily.

Here is just a small selection of the retailers that we know have PayPoint terminals. This is in addition your local newsagents.

I may as well go all out and bring out a map of the UK to further emphasize the spread of PayPoint terminals around the country.

With this in mind, please take a minute to remember your experiences of the Post Office. For me, it reminds me of waiting in a long que, staring aimlessly at brown envelopes waiting for my number to be called out so that I can go and pay my road tax. Hey, but that’s just me.

With this new fangled collection service from LottoByText, all our lucky customers can nip to the local newsagents, collect their winnings, pay for the milk and pick up a copy of the The Sun.

Let’s remember though, all of this is pointless if you’re not playing the Lotto & EuroMillions with LottoByText, the UK’s most popular mobile lottery syndicate provider.

Each week we allow thousands of people the chance to play the National Lottery & EuroMillions as part of a lucky syndicate.

This resulted in a record breaking October where we had 53,343 winners.

If you fancy 5 free national lottery lines with LottoByText or would like more information on playing in a syndicate, please see our lottery syndicate page